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A Date With You - 70s & 80s music!
Raghav Prasad

AC/DC: Highway To Hell

POSTED ON August 13 , 2020 BY RPD405
409 0

AC/DC is supposed to signify the power-driven sound of this amazing band. My friends at Delhi College of Engineering told me it meant the group were bi-sexual. Since there was no Google, and, it was so fabulously scandalous, gullible me believed it for a long time! ?

When you get to AC/DC you’re deep into heavy metal territory. Which is why it’s incredible that this Aussie band are so popular all over the world. Their 7th album ‘Back In Black’ is certified as the 2nd largest selling album ….EVER, by ANY artist! You have to check out this video of Highway to Hell…just remember this is from 2009 – 20years after they released the single ‘Highway To Hell’. This is 2009 – the band members are all middle-aged geezers. And they sold out stadiums like this one. Some of the fans singing along have to have been in diapers when AC/DC first released this song in 1979. This video has been viewed 427M times on YouTube and that’s climbing every day!! Look at the crowds from 1:30 into the video.

BTW for those of us who liked the movie “School of Rock”, remember the song  the band play at the music contest at the end? With Jack Black wearing a school uniform – shorts, tie ….just like XXX from AC/DC who made that his signature costume. The sng on the end credits – “It’s a long way to the top..” ? That’s AC/DC too!!

“Back In Black” came out in 1979, just over a year before I went to college and I remember hearing tracks from it including “Back In Black” & “You Shook Me All Night Long” on Radio Australia a lot that autumn & winter while studying for my 12th boards. It led me to look for other AC/DC albums like “Let There Be Rock” which are fantastic.

AC/DC’s founding members (Malcom and Angus Young) came from Glasgow. Apparently, 1963 was a horrible winter in Scotland. The Young family saw a TV ad showing wonderful weather and opportunities in Australia. In six months, the family had moved halfway across the world, evenetually giving us Australia’s claim to rock superstardom!

As an aside, have you ever wondered why there is a “Highway to Hell” but only a “Stairway To Heaven”??


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